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When updating a SDE Replica, random error saying specific layer is locked?

07-26-2023 08:51 AM
Labels (2)
Frequent Contributor


I am attempting to update n SDE replica, using ArcMap and the Extract Data Wizard. Half the time I attempt to complete the steps of extracting schema, then extracting data (re-use schema) it will cycle through but at the end say Data Extraction Failed.. {random dataset} has an existing lock.



I have already unregistered the Child with the Parent, and Parent with the child. Cleared (deleted) the entirety of the dataset, and basically started from scratch. Un-enabled new connections to both Child and Parent GDB. But will persistently get a Schema Lock error?

This is causing a disruptance in our services, due to the randomness, sometimes it will run through without errors, other times it may take several attempts in order to not error out which can be a difference of 10min downtime to 1.5hr downtime. 

Is there a step I am missing that I should be adding to my workflow? 



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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @Amarz ,

When you are running through the workflow do you have the services ON that are referencing the data that will participate in Replica? If so, have you tried turning them OFF. By default, a service creates a schema lock.


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Frequent Contributor

Yes, I do have many services that rely on this data-source, does this mean I would have to individually turn off 20+ webmaps / apps that are being consumed in order to have a clean run?

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Esri Contributor

Hi @Amarz ,

If the data from Parent is not being actively used by a desktop client and the only connection (outside of yours) are coming from services, it is certainly something to look into. You can turn off the arcgis server service instead individual services. This can be done after-hours.

If you attempt this workflow and are still not getting consistent results and still receiving lock issues, I would consider submitting a Support ticket.

Thank you


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