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visualizing photos stored as raster attributes in FGDB when publishing a map server

01-28-2014 10:11 AM
Regular Contributor
Hi everyone,

I have a file geodatabase with a point feature class and a table with photos. Every point can have more than one photo, so there is a relational feature class to link them together.

The photos are stored in the geodatabase as raster, as an attribute.

I published a map service, but, when I consume the map service in Arcmap and identified a point, the photo is not displayed�?�. It certainly fond the relation, showed the related records but no photos.  Is there something that I am missing? I went to the help without look�?�

I register the folder (with the file geodatabase) to the server.
I am working with Arcgis server 10.1 and Arcgis desktop 10.1 sp1

Thanks for the help!

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I have a file geodatabase with a point feature class and a table with photos. Every point can have more than one photo, so there is a relational feature class to link them together.

The photos are stored in the geodatabase as raster, as an attribute.

I published a map service, but, when I consume the map service in Arcmap and identified a point, the photo is not displayed�?�. It certainly fond the relation, showed the related records but no photos.  Is there something that I am missing? I went to the help without look�?�

I register the folder (with the file geodatabase) to the server.
I am working with Arcgis server 10.1 and Arcgis desktop 10.1 sp1



Advisable to try the following strict steps:


  •   To create photo feature class layer and manage in SDE (rather than FGDB) first;

  • Secondly, prepare MXD compliant with the feature service; and then

  • Publish as a map service with the feature access capability; finally,

  • Display photos as pop-up windows in a client application like Portal for ArcGIS Server, ArcPad, etc..


Pls update, when progress�?�
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Regular Contributor
Hi Larry,

Thanks for the advice, I am not getting what you said about a MXD compliant with a feature service, can you please explain?

So in your experience is better to create a feature service even though there is not going to be any data edition?.


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Occasional Contributor

I am not getting what you said about a MXD compliant with a feature service, can you please explain?

So in your experience is better to create a feature service even though there is not going to be any data edition?.



My understanding is:

The map service with feature access capability provides access to vector features in the map, which ensure you to access attributes, including query and display in pop-up window.

Of course, this type of map services often can be used for editing, but ONLY when needed. In fact, editing/no editing depends on user�??s role (read/write permission on the table), rather than map services.

Technically, the �??dynamic layers�?? should allow clients to have �??query and display attributes�?? in pop-up window, in particular, when users don�??t need �??editing�??. Unfortunately, it looks that capability is not available in the 'daynamic layers', so far (in 10.2 or earlier). Why?  that might belong to part of �??business decisions�?? (not technical reasons, I guess), because different levels of license /product are used to create those two types of map service, in practice. Does it sounds true?

Please consult ESRI on it, if possible�?�

Cheers and good luck!
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