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Upload a raster into SQL Server 2008 using ArcCatalog

03-04-2014 01:49 AM
Regular Contributor

I can access my server's sql server database using a Direct Connection in ArcCatalog. I can succesfully display shapefiles.

What I need is just import/export raster images from ArcCatalog to SQL Server and viceversa, in the similar way as with Oracle. Is that option available?

Should I enable the option (right-click over the connection) Enable Geodatabase..?

Thanks in advance,

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

It sound like you SQL Server database is not a geodatabase. You can have feature classes in your SQL database, the feature geometry is stored as SQL Server Geometry. If you would like to use the full functionality of a geodatabase, I would recommend enabling it. This will allow you to import/export the raster data that you need.

Enabling geodatabase functionality in an existing SQL Server database:
--- George T.
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Regular Contributor

It sound like you SQL Server database is not a geodatabase. You can have feature classes in your SQL database, the feature geometry is stored as SQL Server Geometry. If you would like to use the full functionality of a geodatabase, I would recommend enabling it. This will allow you to import/export the raster data that you need.

Enabling geodatabase functionality in an existing SQL Server database:

Well, now it is obvious that the ArcGIS Server is needed, and this is what we are trying to avoid precisely. I thought that just by having the ArcGIS Advanced license was enough.

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