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Upgrade Geodatabase - 9.2 to 10 version

03-28-2012 05:44 AM
New Contributor
Hi, I would like know all step and another considerations to upgrade my geodatabase 9.2 to 10 version. Could you please all step to do it?

Is possible to perform this upgrade with 500 project versions in the geodatabase? I really need preserve this project version during this upgrade version.
Best regards,
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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

It is recommended to flatten the version tree as much as possible prior to completing an upgrade although this is not mandatory.  The upgrade at ArcSDE 10 is now executed through the ArcGIS Desktop client or via Python.  Please see the following documentation for the steps involved (Oracle docs provided yet exist for all RDBMS):

Always created a backup prior to the upgrade and run the pre-requisite check as well to identify and remedy any potential issues uncovered in the process.

Preparing to upgrade a geodatabase

Upgrading an ArcSDE geodatabase

Upgrade Geodatabase (Data Management)

- Jon
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Emerging Contributor

Have you successfully upgrade geodatabase 9.2 to 10 version with the project versions by adopting the steps suggested by Jon.
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MVP Regular Contributor

Have you successfully upgrade geodatabase 9.2 to 10 version with the project versions by adopting the steps suggested by Jon.

It is highly unlikely you will get a response from someone who started a thread 2 years ago, and since then only made 3 posts on the forums...

As per the other thread you started: ensure you have a full (and tested!) backup of the database before venturing into the unknown, then follow the steps outlined in the links provided here and especially in the other thread you started (ensure the links and Help topics you follow refer to your new version of ArcGIS!, so the links provided by Nidhin in the other thread are actually the ones you should follow up on.)
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Honored Contributor
I just did a quick test (Upgraded 9.3.1 Geodatabase with 3 versions to 10.2.2) and observed that the upgrade was done successfully.
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