Some of our editors started receiving error while saving edits in ArcMap. (Image attached) along with this error they receive error unable to save edits while flushing edits to the database (Image attached). Following is our editing environment.
Windows 10 - 64 bit
ArcMap : 10.4.1
Enterprise GeoDatabase : 10.4.1
ORACLE Database 12c ( - Exadata Server
Check these Articles and see if the suggestions are valid and help in your scenario:
Error: Unable to save edits because of failure when flushing edits to the database
Error: Unable to Save Edits - failure when flushing edits to database
Have you ran Verify Connectivity or Repair Connectivity, on your network? You may also run Verify Feature Network Geometry to check for issues with the network geometry.
About Verify Network tools and commands—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
We are facing same issue again and we ran Verify Connectivity or Repair Connectivity and Verify Feature Network Geometry but issue is not resolved.
Also one particular dataset gets disconnected in ArcMap and then we run repair versions tool. Repair version tool log contains lines for 2 rows added and 5 rows delated in aaa_N_props table.
Repair Version log having attached Add and delete rows info.