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Unable to edit featureclass error: Could not edit the data in the folder or database.

04-16-2014 03:38 AM
Deactivated User
Hi All,

Recently I have upgraded ArcGIS 10.1 to 10.1.1.  I have a featuredataset in ArcSDE (Oracle 11g) and lets assume the owner of the featureclass, relationship table is 'operation' present in the featuredataset. My aim is to create a new version and edit it with a different user other than 'Operation'.

Established a sysadmin connection to ArcSDE, then from Arctoolbox create a user, let say 'Editor'
Established a connection to ArcSDE from ArcCatalog with the user 'Operation' and created a new version called 'DL'

Established a connection to ArcSDE from ArcCatalog with the user 'Editor', using the Change privelege tool grant the user 'editor' permission to connect and edit the version.

While trying to edit the featureclass from 'DL' version connecting with user 'editor' getting error: Could not edit the data in the folder or database you selected.

The above scenario is working with other featuredataset, this seems very simple to report but I don't know what is causing the issue. This featuredataset is ArcFM enabled data. Tried to de-register and re-register as version, restarted the oracle instance, etc but no success.

Any suggestion is appreciated.

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6 Replies
Deactivated User
Is any other user, other than the newly created "editor" user facing this issue?
Is the issue reproduced if the user is created from the database end?
Is the editor user able to edit on the DEFAULT version?

The issue could be related to permissions itself. Connect as the data_owner and grant explicit editing privileges (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) to the 'editor' user for all individual Feature classes present in that Dataset and check if that helps.

Ensure that the user has privileges on all tables within the relationship classes on the dataset level.
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Deactivated User
Hi Asru,

Is any other user, other than the newly created "editor" user facing this issue?
I would say yes, specific to this featuredataset.

Is the issue reproduced if the user is created from the database end?
Partially no, I have created a new user from database and grant connect, select, add, update, delete privelege and it works but at times throughs the error message in the attachment.

Is the editor user able to edit on the DEFAULT version?

If the issue is related to permission the error message should say permission or privelege issue but it simply says could not edit the data in the folder or database.

I am also absolutely sure I have grant complete permission, even to the relationship tables in the featuredataset while connecting as t he owner.

Though it works with database user but I need to make it work when the user is created from GIS.

Any suggestion is appreciated.

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Deactivated User
While reconcile the edits made from the database user getting the error:

"The version could not be reconciled.
Unable to create logfile system tables. User perhaps lacks permissions or resources to create tables [OPERATION.SupportStructure]"

I again ran the change privelege tools with owner connection and granted the database user all permission. even it was successful.

Is there any way to check the privelege of a user on a version and grant them.

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Deactivated User
Log file table configuration options for geodatabases in Oracle:

That error is usually observed when the user doesn't have necessary privileges to create the Log File. as suggested suggested in the above link, users receive an error message the first time they create a selection set larger than the threshold size for that particular client application. The threshold here would be 100 features. You may have tried to select more than 100 features, when you receive that error.

We need to confirm which kind of Log File is being used at your end and accordingly grant the permissions. Usually when a user is created using the"Create Database User" tool, the following permissions are granted in Oracle so that users don't have to be granted these from the database end:

exception: Stand-alone log files, where you also need to grant the CREATE PROCEDURE permission explicitly from the database end

Try granting the above permissions from the Oracle end and check if the issue still occurs.
Deactivated User
Is the editor user able to edit on the DEFAULT version?

As the user is able to edit in the DEFAULT version, can you try creating a new version from the DEFAULT and try editing in that.

If that still doesn't help, as the issue seems to be limited to only this Feature Dataset, can you copy the same FD in the sde geodatabase again, regrant the privileges and check if the user is able to edit now.
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Deactivated User

ESRI Technical support was able to resolve the issue. Narrowed down the issue to be permission not there on two relationship tables. Explicitely granted all privilege on these two tables in database.

Thanks for your help.

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