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Trouble with Shapefile to Feature Class Conversion

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12-04-2013 05:00 AM
Deactivated User
I have been having trouble converting shapefiles into feature classes using CreateFeatureClass (ArcGIS Desktop 10.0). When I convert the shapefiles to feature classes in my geodatabase, the polygon edges appear to become pixilated. The attached photos show the original shapefile (the first photo) and then the converted feature class (second photo). Can anyone tell me why this is occurring? 

Many thanks.

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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Esri Esteemed Contributor
It's difficult to tell you what to do differently without knowing how you did the original conversion.

All conversions take place with processing environments.  You need to be able to change the output
feature class resolution, so use something simple, like "Export to Geodatabase (single)", where you
can change "XY Resolution and Tolerance" on the Environments page.

- V

View solution in original post

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7 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Into what type of geodatabase are you importing?  How is the taget coordinate reference defined?
It looks like you tried to set a scale factor appropriate to meters when the units are degrees (four
fewer digits than necessary).

- V
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: pmarban

Into what type of geodatabase are you importing?  How is the taget coordinate reference defined?
It looks like you tried to set a scale factor appropriate to meters when the units are degrees (four
fewer digits than necessary).

- V

I put the feature class into a file geodatabase. My xy projection is set to GCS_WGS_1984. I did not actually change anything with the scale factor but just used the default setting. Should I redo the conversion? Any ideas?
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Please post the contents of the "Domain, Resolution, and Tolerance" tab from the Properties
on the source and destination layers.

- V
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: pmarban

Please post the contents of the "Domain, Resolution, and Tolerance" tab from the Properties
on the source and destination layers.

- V

For the feature class the Tolerance is listed as 0.000000008983153 degree.
Resolution is 0.0001 degree.
Domain is as follows:
    Max Y: 450359962737.05 degree
    Min X: -450359962737.05 degree
    Max X: 450359962737.05 degree
    Min Y: - 450359962737.05 degree

The shapefile does not have those tabs in the properties but the following information pertains to extent.
Top: 37.728443 dd
Left: -76.508084 dd
Right: -76.450251 dd
Bottom: 37.677869 dd

Hope this helps.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
So somehow you managed to change the defaults to use an 0.0001 resolution (1/10 millimeter in
projected meters) with geographic data (0.0001 degrees = ~11 meters).  You need to re-convert
the data with an appropriate resolution (at least 0.000001 - 0.11m).

If your source shapefile doesn't have a .prj, it really ought to.

- V
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: pmarban

Dear V Angelo,

Thank you for your response. My original shapefile does have a projection.
Could you please tell me how to reconvert with the appropriate resolution?  Many thanks.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
It's difficult to tell you what to do differently without knowing how you did the original conversion.

All conversions take place with processing environments.  You need to be able to change the output
feature class resolution, so use something simple, like "Export to Geodatabase (single)", where you
can change "XY Resolution and Tolerance" on the Environments page.

- V
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