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Trouble importing an aerial image from ArcGIS 9.3.1 AutoCAD (Civil 3D 2010)

08-23-2010 12:54 PM
New Contributor
I recently GPSed several curb inlets in a subdivision. After opening the curb inlets shapefile in ArcMap I georeferenced a 2010 aerial image to match up with the GPSed curb inlets and chose an option for the aerial imagery to "Update Georeferencing". Once I had "Updated Georeferencing" I examined the curb inlets and the aerial imagery in ArcMap and everything appeared to line up, however, when I opened the aerial imagery and curb inlets shapefile in AutoCAD (Civil 3D 2010) the curb inlets were shifted ~ 25 feet from where they were supposed to be. Does anyone know what the issue could be with the curb inlets lining up with the aerial image in ArcMap, but not lining up with the aerial image in AutoCAD (Civil 3D 2010)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

- Seth
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2 Replies
New Contributor III
Hi Seth,

I have to admit that I don't know anything about CAD. When you do update georeferencing the information is written in an auxilary file. Maybe this file is not read correctly for CAD?
To test this, take the aerial image in ArcMap and do a copy raster or data export to write a new dataset. Then see if the new dataset lines up correctly in AutoCAD. I hope that helps.

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New Contributor

Thanks for your reply. I followed your suggested steps by taking the aerial image in ArcMap and doing a "data export" to write to a new dataset and it now lines up correctly in AutoCAD.

Thanks again for your help!

- Seth
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