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Topo to Raster: Cannot Acquire Lock

05-16-2014 11:23 AM
New Contributor
Hi There,

I am trying to create a DEM raster from polyline topography data. I have two different topography files on either side of a UTM Zone boundary. Zone 16n and 17n.

I am able to use the topo to raster tool in spatial analyst to create a raster for the sheet in the 16n zone. When I use the exact same methodology for the 17n topography file its says the conversion was a success but then when arcmap tries to load the file it gives me a drawing error: cannot acquire lock.

I have tried merging the 2 topo files and then creating a raster but the same problem occurs. I am relatively new to arc and not too sure what the cannot acquire lock error signifies. I have fooled around with the cell size and other settings with no success. The two topo files are in the exact same format. I am using version 10.2.

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1 Reply
New Contributor III
Same thing here
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