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The current table doesnt have an ArcSDE-maintained rowid column.

05-19-2014 07:49 AM
Frequent Contributor
Hi All,

I am in process of upgrading my project (Arcobjects) code from ArcGIS 10 to 10.2. During this process one my functionality where data (geometry) is inserted to SDE Feature class (not registered as versioned) has been failed with below message The current table does not have an SDE-maintained row_id column [SCHEMA.TABLE_1]. This was perfectly working in 10.0.

Only change I have done during the migration process is Connection property INSTANCE name has been changed.
I have could able to connect

Database : Oracle 10.2.2 running on Linux box.

                                    featureBuffer.set_Value(insertUserIndex, insertUser);
                                    featureBuffer.set_Value(index, "Type1");
                                    featureBuffer.set_Value(versionIndex, "1");
                                    featureBuffer.set_Value(nameIndex, shapeName);
                                    featureBuffer.set_Value(originalSourceIndex, "Project");
                                    featureBuffer.set_Value(sourceIndex, "Project");
                                    featureBuffer.set_Value(insertDateIndex, DateTime.Now);
                                    id = Convert.ToInt64(featureCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer)); // Code fails here.
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8 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Your post doesn't give enough information for us to help you.

Which database were you using?  What are you using now? (complete description
needed, e.g., "Oracle" or "SQL-Server 2008 R2 SP1")

Did you leave the geodatabase at 10.0, or did you port that as well?

What does 'sdetable -o describe' report on the table?

- V
Frequent Contributor

I am only migrating the source code to ArcGIS 10.2. The underlying database is same.
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit.

I will provide you sdetable report shortly.

a) when I insert a record using ArcGIS 10.0, it was successful.
b) For code migration I have changed instance property name in IpropertySet parameter.
Frequent Contributor
ArcSDE 10.0  for Oracle10g Build 2004 Fri Jan 13 11:45:40  2012
Layer    Administration Utility
Layer Description ....: Created by layer gen
Table Owner ..........: PROJECT_SCHEMA
Table Name ...........: TABLE1_
Spatial Column .......: SHAPE
Layer Id .............: 2
SRID .................: 2
Auth SRID.............: 2
Minimum Shape Id .....: 1
Offset ...............:
  falsex:       -180.000000
  falsey:        -90.000000
System Units .........:    1000000.000000
Z Offset..............:    -100000.000000
Z Units ..............:      10000.000000
Measure Offset .......:    -100000.000000
Measure Units ........:      10000.000000
XY Cluster Tolerance .:          0.0
Z  Cluster Tolerance .:          0.0
M  Cluster Tolerance .:          0.0
Spatial Index ........:
  parameter:    SPIDX_GRID,GRID0=0.4163038,FULL
  exist:        Yes
  array form:   0.4163038,0,0
Layer Envelope .......:
  minx:      -155.92042,        miny:       -27.33888
  maxx:        25.56671,        maxy:        73.00019
Entities .............: na3+M
Layer Type ...........: Extended SQL Type/ST_GEOMETRY
Creation Date ........: Sun Sep 25 20:13:28 2011
I/O Mode .............: NORMAL
Autolocking ..........: Enabled
Precision.............: High
User Privileges ......: SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE
Coordinate System ....: GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.01745329251994

Layer Configuration ..: DEFAULTS
Esri Esteemed Contributor
'sdetable -o describe' would include the rowid type, and 'sdetable -o describe_reg'
gives the full monty.  The above is 'sdelayer' output.

- V
Frequent Contributor
OK. I need someone else help to get this info. Here it is. Let me know if you need additional details

ArcSDE 10.0  for Oracle10g Build 2004 Fri Jan 13 11:45:40  2012
Attribute        Administration Utility

Created by layer gen
Table Owner            : PROJECT_SCHEMA
Table Name             : TABLE1_
Registration Id        : 7
Row ID Column          : ID
Row ID Column Type     : User Maintained
Row Lock               :
Minimum Row ID         :
Dependent Objects      : Layer
Registration Date      : Sun Sep 25 20:13:28 2011
Config. Keyword        : DEFAULTS
User Privileges        : SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE
Visibility             : Visible
Frequent Contributor
Vince - Any more info required?.
0 Kudos
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Row ID Column Type     : User Maintained

This pretty much tells the tale.  The error message is informative and correct --
ArcGIS cannot insert into tables that don't have an SDE-set rowid column.

- V
Frequent Contributor
Ok. Now, how come ArcGIS 10.0 version can able to insert a record?. What has changed in 10.2?
Do you have any information on this?. I will talk to SDE admin to see if I can set row-id column.
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