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Survey123 Latitude is presented as "South" not "West"

04-07-2016 12:52 PM
Occasional Contributor

In Survey 123 in the settings tab while building a survey I was looking at  coordinate system and noticed that regardless of what format you choose, Latitude is presented as "South" not "West". I think this may just be a typo as the locations presented on the map are correct. Has anyone else noticed this?

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

beyond the fact that latitudes do run north south and longitudes run east west, could this be the simple fact that many packages flip those around to go the propensity to say latitude-longitude rather than longitude-latitude (which conforms to the math convention of saying x-y.

perhaps a screen grab if possible would help

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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the quick response.

Garret Dubois

Biological Science Technician

Forest Service

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