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Split or clip raster

01-28-2014 06:03 AM
Frequent Contributor
I have a raster that was created from a bunch of 1 km x 1 km images, and I need to split it back out to the original individual 1 km images, with 2 m overlap. I've tried split raster, but I can't seem to get it to go back to the originals. I've tried both the size of tile and number of tiles methods, but is always creates slivers along the outer edges; basically I can't get it to line up and create nice 1 km squares with 2 m overlap, I'm using trial and error.

I have a shape file that I could use for clipping (see attached image, yellow polygons), but I don't want to create a model to cycle through the features if there's already a simple way available.

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Have you tried extract by mask?

I've used it before to clip rasters to a specific shape.

That just results in the same raster, the mask is taken as the entire shape file outline, not the individual features within the shape file.

Thanks though.
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Deactivated User
Could you not split the tile layer into individual tiles then do a batch process using extract by mask?
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Frequent Contributor
Looks like I'll have to build an iterative model instead.

<end laziness>

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