Hello There,
I created a spatial view from a Feature class and a Standalone table. The view works fine with data and shape.
But the domain attributes/columns no more have domains related to them, and the subtype attribute is no more recognized as a subtype field. Both fields are changed to normal fields in the view.
Kindly share your thoughts to fix this.
Environment: ArcGIS Pro 3.0, ArcCatalog 10.8.1, SQL Server 2019, Geodatabase
I think that this would be expected. Domains / Subtypes are a geodatabase function that the DB does not understand.
Look at this post for some ideas: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-pro-questions/create-database-view/td-p/1122781
Since it's already a view, you can populate lookups to map the integer domain values to the appropriate values.
- V
What kind of database is it?
If it's Oracle, then you could use the SQL from this post for coded value domains: Select domain codes/descriptions.
--create or replace view d_all_coded_value_domains_vw as select cast(rownum as number(38,0)) as rownum_, x.code, x.description, i.name as domain_name from sde.gdb_items_vw i cross apply xmltable( '/GPCodedValueDomain2/CodedValues/CodedValue' passing xmltype(i.definition) columns code varchar2(255) path './Code', description varchar2(255) path './Name' ) x where i.name is not null --https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/434701/find-problem-domains-in-gdb-items-vw
And this post for subtypes: https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/434583/62572
--create or replace view sub_lc_events_asset_class_activity_vw as ( select x.subtype_code, x.subtype_description, x.subtype_field, x.subtype_field_domain, i.name as table_name from sde.gdb_items_vw i cross apply xmltable( '/DETableInfo/Subtypes/Subtype/FieldInfos/SubtypeFieldInfo[FieldName="ACTIVITY"]' passing xmltype(i.definition) columns subtype_code number(38,0) path './../../SubtypeCode', subtype_description varchar2(255) path './../../SubtypeName', subtype_field varchar2(255) path './FieldName', subtype_field_domain varchar2(255) path './DomainName' ) x where i.name is not null and i.name = 'INFRASTR.LC_EVENTS'
Or use the sample Oracle or SQL Server queries here:
Example: Resolving domain codes to description values using SQL