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Spatial Adjustment Errors.

01-25-2012 10:17 AM
New Contributor
I've been trying to import a .dwg into my .mxd file, but the spatial data is off by a few hundred.... million meters. This is what I've tried:
1.)Matching the coordinate system (the coordinate systems didn't match when I got the data). However, matching the coordinate system doesn't seem to make much of a difference at all.

2.) Changing the coordinate system in AutoCAD, resulting in the same issue as problem #1.

3.) Introducing Lat/Long data and readjusting accordingly. While this worked on the point .shp's, the polygons and polylines didn't budge.

4.) A VB script of "[Shape]= [Shape].Move(-16870270.697m,-156400382.481m)". Similarly "[Shape]= [Shape].Move(-16870270.697,-156400382.481)", "[Shape]= [Shape].move(-16870270.697,-156400382.481)", and all manner of variations. Each time, I recieved a non-descrpitive error message.

5.) Finally, Spatial Adjustment. I set the adjust data appropiately. I've placed my displacement links to what I think is appropiate. I set my adjustment method to edge snap. But in the end I always get a non-descript error message.

Could the ESRI community help me with this issue? Is there a way I could move all lines in reference to the displacement links I set? I appreciate your time.

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