Hello, I have a shape file that was created from a kml layer that I'm trying to open in arcgis pro. When I open it, it only displays bits and pieces of line segments on the map. Maybe 10% of the overall data. Also, the attribute list shows multiple duplicates, however this is not the case with the original kml file. When I open the shape file in google earth, the full map displays correctly. Can someone please help me understand what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you!
what happens when you add the kml directly?
KML layers—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
PS moved this to Data Management Questions
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Unfortunately, I don't have the source KML file. Tt was converted by someone else and given to me as a shape file.
Try KML to Layer (ArcGIS Pro) on the original KML file. This will convert the KML into a file Geodatabase Feature class, represented by a layer file.
Unfortunately, I don't have the source KML file. It was converted by someone else and given to me as a shape file. I can ask them to try and convert it this way or send the kml file. Would doing this incorrectly possibly cause the file to open in google maps but not arcgis pro?
Can't exactly say what could have gone wrong. Do they use ArcGIS or any other software for conversion? What is the size of the shapefile?
Shapefiles are good for interoperability, but not that efficient in maintaining integrity. Share us the KMZ file, if possible, in case the above tool doesn't work properly.