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Selecting range of RGB values from aerial imagery

05-03-2014 07:57 PM
Deactivated User
I am trying to figure out how to select specific areas within a coastal prairie based on a range of RGB values.  I am using orthoimages.  I have found a few tutorials online, but nothing about selecting a range of values.  Would greatly appreciate any help.
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Occasional Contributor
I am trying to figure out how to select specific areas within a coastal prairie based on a range of RGB values.  I am using orthoimages.  I have found a few tutorials online, but nothing about selecting a range of values.  Would greatly appreciate any help.


If understanding correctly, pls try Mosaic Dataset containing your rasters, build with overviews, and clip your AOI from this MD within Image Analysis;

Then, apply the function caled 'Binary Thresholding' onto the cliped MD within Image Analysis. It will help to divide your raster into two distinct classes with the Otsu method. In this way, you can easily select water body, roads, etc. from your images covering a coastal prairie.

In fact, it would be much easier and more flexible to do so via non-binary thresholding value range method, if having remote sensing package like ER Mapper/ ENVI. That is, a combination of RGB thresholding value ranges (i.e, the seperate values for R, G, B) can be allowed.

Hope, MD in ArcGIS will support multiple thresholding sooner...
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Deactivated User

Hi Jeff,

I was searching how to implement the Otsu binary thresholding method in ArcGIS 10.2 when I saw this thread.

I hope you don't mind, could you please tell me where in ArcGIS (ArcMap) the Binary Thresholding Function is located?

Thank you very much and I would appreciate your help.


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Deactivated User

Hi Larry and Jeff,

I was searching how to implement the Otsu binary thresholding method in ArcGIS 10.2 when I saw this thread.

I hope you don't mind, could you please tell me where in ArcGIS (ArcMap) the Binary Thresholding Function is located?

Thank you very much and I would appreciate your help.


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To understand Otsu method implemented in ArcGIS, refer to Binary Thresholding function—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

To learn how to apply it, refer to Help on function or function chains at What are the functions used by a raster or mosaic dataset?—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

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