In ArcMap 10.5.1 I have a user whose Raster GRIDS would not appear in her MXD after upgrade (from ArcGIS 10.3.1). We resolved this by running the Build Pyramids and Statistics tool on the users data. This allowed the GRIDS to appear on the map, but now the GRIDS appear to be offset to the east by about 1 mile form the underlying geometry (e.g., a road feature class) when seen in Data View in ArcMap.
When other users login to the same machine and load the same GRID and road layers the data lines up as expected.
We have already cleared the normal.mxt, HKLU for the users registry, and repaired ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.1. As stated, the odd thing is only one user on the machine has the problem. When other users open the same MXD (when logged in as themselves) they don't have the issue.
It appears to be his whole profile then. Have you completely reset it?
I just provided the link to curtvprice 's document to go through, in my original post
Just found out that when the user (with the problem) loads the raster's into ArcMap it is shown as a AIG format. AIG turns out to be a ArcGIS Binary Grid (AIG) format -which I have never heard of.
When other people load the same data is appears as GRID in the layer properties vs. AIG.
weird... did you got the user to login, but actually let someone else load the data? Just trying to rule out the method of adding data (ie drag and drop vs using the Add Data button etc etc) and where the user has saved the data (ie a 'real folder' versus desktop the c:\users... folder etc etc)
We used the Gold Add Data button and navigated to the data.
clear out his profile if other people can load his data in their profile without issue
AIG format is the GDAL name for Esri GRID format. The georeferencing is stored in the .adf files so I really don't see why this would happen differently for different users. Maybe there is an issue with this user's access to some of the many Esri grid files (grid/ and info/ folders). AIG format may imply that the "info" folder is not visible and GDAL is trying to display it instead of ArcGIS native raster drivers. WEIRD.
even weirder is that different people can log on to the same machine and load the same data with no issue.
And... everyone used Add Data button...
End of term gremlins... which is why we always have a 'guest student login'