My problem:
I have a project whose deadline is coming up fast. I started the project in ArcGIS 9.2. I am geocoding the Water / Sewer customers for the area served within the Springfield Metro Sanitary District. Source data provide by utilities from multiple villages along with the city of Springfield.
I created a composite locator (9.2) using the following:
1) SangSitusWithUnits - Source 911 Address (Situs) points includes Apartment Units
2) StreetCenterline - Source 911 Street Centerline Left and Right with Zone
I get a 98% match rate. But 2% of my matches are Street Centerline matches which during my review / rematch process I want to eliminate by moving to the correct location and updating our address points.
But because of the limitations of ArcGIS 9.2 review rematch dialog box is modal (you cannot interact with ArcMap while in the rematch / review tool) the process is taking far to long.
I set up our Test workstation with ArcGIS 10 and Copied the project folder to that PC.
I copied (from 9.2 PC) the Geocode folder and the Locator Folder because we have modified Rules and a 9.2 locator that would match using apartment units (without this I get 90% match).
I loaded the Two locators into the Map and tested them individually and they worked fine. But when I went to Review / Rematch with the tool I get the message: "there was an error reading the geocoding information from this dataset"
I know that you want to say "just re-geocode" and use the new results. But I have already rematched about 1500 points to there proper addresses and really don't want to start over if I don't have to.
Any thoughts? Am I missing something? Or is the Geocoding results returned from 9.2 so much different from 10 that it is impossible? If the latter is true then we should think about a geocode migration tool Version to Version.
Tracy Garrison
Sangamon County
GIS Manager