I am using the Reverse Geocoding Rest API to get addresses for points. http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer
When I do a reverse geocoding for an address in Augusta Maine the city name returned is incorrect. The city returned is a neighboring town of Chelsea. Is there a better reverse geocoding service?
If I geocode an address 83 Edison Dr, Augusta, Maine, 04330 I get the point "x": -69.818462933916464, "y": 44.313100364591264
but when I reverse geocode using that point I get the following.
"address": {
"Address": "83 Edison Dr",
"Neighborhood": null,
"City": "Chelsea",
"Subregion": null,
"Region": "Maine",
"Postal": "04330",
"PostalExt": null,
"CountryCode": "USA",
"Loc_name": "USA.StreetAddress"
"location": {
"x": -69.818462933993914,
"y": 44.313100364543232,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 4326,
"latestWkid": 4326
The Esri World Geocoder has been updated several times since your question was first posted. Below are the results for the same coordinate with the current release of the Esri World Geocoder.
{ "address": { "Match_addr": "65-99 Edison Dr, Augusta, Maine, 04330", "LongLabel": "65-99 Edison Dr, Augusta, ME, 04330, USA", "ShortLabel": "65-99 Edison Dr", "Addr_type": "StreetAddress", "Type": "", "PlaceName": "", "AddNum": "83", "Address": "83 Edison Dr", "Block": "", "Sector": "", "Neighborhood": "", "District": "", "City": "Augusta", "MetroArea": "", "Subregion": "Kennebec", "Region": "Maine", "Territory": "", "Postal": "04330", "PostalExt": "", "CountryCode": "USA" }, "location": { "x": -69.81843118824392, "y": 44.313088731759194, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326, "latestWkid": 4326 } } }