Hi all
I'm hoping someone can help me out with some projection issues. I have a 2006 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) for Louisiana originally in Albers Equal Area Projection. The MRLC Server provided me two seperate tiffs to cover the data request for my study area (coastal Louisiana).
I mosaicked the two datasets into one, and reprojected both the mosaicked layer and my second dataset to the NAD 1983 South Louisiana State Plane Coordinate System. I used the "Transformation" button under the Data Frame Properties tab to reproject, and I have also used the "Define Projection" tool in Arc Toolbox. I even used the Raster Reproject tool, but the two layers still do not match up in Arc! Please help!
Thank you!
Message was edited by: ashley tarver
Solved! Go to Solution.
I projected the forest raster to Albers and checked the area, and it did
not change at all from the original. Thank you guys so much, I wasted so
much time on this yesterday and its a relief to have the issue settled.
You're welcome. It would be nice to mark one of our answers as correct though. That way, if someone is else has the same question they will know what actually helped.
Glad you got it all figured out. Projections make our work so much more interesting...