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Represent Two Data Points in Same Polygon

12-03-2016 01:34 PM
Deactivated User

My apologies up front if this is confusing. I am not sure how to explain it. Using ArcMap 10.4. I'm working on a project that compares two specific sets of data. One of the datasets is pulled directly from ACS and I use census tracts to join the data to my shapefile. The other dataset is pulled from a city database and does not utilize census tracts.

In a normal circumstance, one data point would link to one specific census tract. However, in this instance, multiple data points may fall within a specific census tract. Is there a way to represent two or more data points within the same polygon/census tract?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

"Community Help" is for help with the GeoNet community site, not for general help from the community.  I believe Esri will be changing the name to clarify.  That said, you might want to move this over to‌.

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