(I've removed duplicate points by doing a dissolve on XY coords.)
Now I need to remove duplicate lines (by duplicate I mean identical geometry - they may have different attributes but I don't care which one I keep). I've used the Intersect tool to identify the duplicates but I don't know how to merge each duplicate into single records. I have 7000 duplicates so manual merging isn't a realistic option.
I'm on standard licence.
Unfortunately erase duplicates isn't one of the free functions in ET Geowizards.
I'm attempting to iterate through my dataset, selecting identical and deleting using model builder. It's not very intuative - had some strange results.... currently running attempt 3..... fingers crossed.
Don't know if I really understand. But the normal erase is a free function in ET Geowizard, I do use it often ...
Do you have the identical lines in one fc or in two?
Just one dataset (actually it was originally about 120 but I've merged them all into one - that's the goal, one dataset with duplicate geometries removed)
Maybe you could use the python script there: