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Rebuild Indexes Error - Object has no schema locks

04-05-2013 07:04 AM
Deactivated User
I received the following error when trying to rebuild indexes on an 10.1 enterprise geodatabase:

Could not rebuild indexes for dataset egis93.SDEDATA.WTR_INVENTORY/egis93.SDEDATA.WR_WaterBodies.[Object has no schema locks.]
Failed to execute (RebuildIndexes)

Not sure where to look to correct this - suggestions welcome.
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2 Replies
Deactivated User
I just ran into this... and am wondering if it's because the dataset is actually empty. Did you ever figure this out?
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MVP Regular Contributor

I don't think this will help you in your situation, but in case anyone else is getting this error, here's what helped me. I was trying to run a spatial join on a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online with a local feature class in Pro. Got this error: ERROR 160244: Object has no schema locks. 

I reprojected the local feature class into web mercator like the hosted feature layer and then it worked fine for me.