Raster Clipping does not work

02-07-2013 09:20 PM
New Contributor

i have an input raster with a cell size of 5 x 5 m. The top boundary is at 5672430 and i want to clip the top row. So i made a polygon shape with a top boundary of 5672425 and used the clipping tool on the raster.

The problem is: The Clipping tool did clip all of the intended areas but left the top row at 5672430. Is there any way to get ArcMap todo what i want?
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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

I tried this out with some test data and it seemed to work.
1) In a new map document or data frame add your raster.
2) Create a polygon around your raster.  Any shape, just make sure it's more than 5m away from the edge of the raster.  The exception is drawing the one edge of the polygon right along the edge of the top row without any space.
3) Create a second polygon (new feature class) around the first.
4) Start an edit session (if asked, choose to edit the outer polygon).
5) Select the inner polygon.  Then from the Editor drop-down menu choose Clip (the Buffer Distance should be 0, and press OK).  This will erase the inner polygon from the outer.
6) Save edits and stop editing.
7) Start a new editing session (if asked, choose the inner polygon).
😎 Select the outer polygon.  Then from the Editor drop-down menu choose Clip (the Buffer Distance should be 5, and press OK).  This will erase 5m from the boundary of the inner polygon.  Since the top of the inner polygon was touching the edge of the raster, the boundary of the inner polygon is now 5m inside your raster at the top.
9) Save edits and stop editing.
10) Clip your raster to the inner polygon.  (Clip tool in Data Management).

Best of luck,

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MVP Emeritus
set your analysis extents to the desired boundaries  through your environments settings, then simply export to a new raster
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