Dear Community,
I wan`t to aggregate my multidimensional Raster Data.
I would need the monthly aggregation type, but I can`t choose the keyword option.
I uploaded a picture where my date is in Date format. The keyword option is possible for string datatypes. If I convert my date to a text datatype it is still not possible to get the keyword option.
Thanks forward!
Should the dimension not be stdTime?
There are just two options. StdZ and time to choose by the dimension function.
I`m just wondering, because in the Attributtable is a column with Dimension and StdTime and it is not shown up in the Options to choose in terms of the dimension options...
Thanks forward!
Hi David,
I also realized that the dimension field hast to be in string format to be recognized by the multidimensional aggregation toolset.
So my Date has to be a string format.
How can I convert it?
Thanks forward!