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"Token Required"

03-31-2014 09:15 PM
Emerging Contributor
Hi, does anyone know how I can get the token required to geocode?

I'm trying to geocode a few thousand addresses. I finally got the world geocoder added since the old North American and US_streets etc. locators don't work anymore. I exported the data and the geocoder pops up with the matched, tied, unmatched thing, but then there's an error message: "Create Feature Class: There was an error trying to process this table. Token required."

I'm in ArcMap 10 with a site license through UC Berkeley.

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3 Replies
Emerging Contributor
After looking into it a bit more it seems to be a license authentication issue, but our IT guy says it hasn't come up with anybody else, and it doesn't seem to be because I'm a remote user off campus, because ArcMap still opens so it doesn't seem to be a problem with my access to the site license.

We're going to see if it still happens after I switch from ArcMap 10 to 10.2.1.
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Deactivated User
I am having the same problem. I added the world geocoder added since the old North American and US_streets etc. locators don't work anymore. I exported the data and the geocoder pops up with the matched, tied, unmatched thing, but then there's an error message: "Create Feature Class: There was an error trying to process this table. Token required." We just upgraded to the Standard license of 10.1

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
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Emerging Contributor
Turns out you have to get a subscription now to batch geocode in ArcGIS. You can get a free trial for every email account you register, but be careful because that only gets you about one batch geocode per email account before you have to pay.
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