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Publish sde using view error - "feature selections are not supported"

12-12-2013 04:01 PM
Deactivated User

I was under the impression that I could publish a service using a View. When I attempt this I get a high unresolved error, Code 00021, "Feature selections are not supported." This error code supposedly indicates that I have features selected, which I do not.

I'm using ArcMap 10.1 Standard and Server Standard. I've created a view using a large geodatabase and a table. I don't want to join and export them, because they are derived from separate sources, and each will be updated individually.

I would appreciate any advice.

- Jeri
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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor
Are you talking about a view or a spatial view?  Does it exist within the database or is it a query layer within the map document?  I'm guessing it's the former based on the error you mentioned.  I've always found that views or spatial views which exist inside of SQL Server or Oracle will always show an error when analyzing the map document in advance of publishing it as a service.  This is "expected" behavior and, even though it appears as though it's not supported by Esri, it works (for view-only purposes) when consuming via a map service.
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