After some research on the internet, I have concluded that the following capabilities are not implemented yet in ArcGIS. This is of course my personal opinion, I could be wrong.
- Raster tables from SQL Server
- Raster tables from PostGIS/Postgres
- Raster tables from Spatialite
ONLY, raster tables from ORACLE (georaster format) are readable directly in ArcGIS as images.
So, the answer to my previous post should be: No, you cannot read raster images stored in PostGIS using ArcGIS, the only thing you can do is just visualizing the raster table as an attribute table, and see the columns.
The excellent piece of Software called 'Interoperability extension' could have the missing functionality I was looking for, but again, Safe Software says that currently it does not support raster images stored in postgis/postgres.
So, the obvious question now is whether ESRI is planning to do so in the near future, because Safe Software is not.
Somebody may argue that you can possibly serve those images as MAP services and consume them through ArcGIS. Yes, it is true, but I am interested in the configuration of database + client, and not database + server + client.
Finally, perhaps if you are strong enough to create a python script - I am not - as a tool that could read the table and convert it into a real raster image, you could solve the problem, but then you lose track of the changes in the database, unless you execute your script every time you access the database.
I encourage ESRI people to do so, as I think raster images are increasingly on demand, and for instance QGIS can read postgis raster tables and display them. We could say the same to Postgis/posgress people in order to cooperate with ESRI or develop that functionality for ArcGIS users.
I seems to me rare that if you are thinking in storing raster images in a spatial database and consume those images using ArcGIS, ORACLE is the only available option.
I hope this helps.