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Network I/O error when creating SDE Raster Dataset

12-06-2013 12:28 PM
New Contributor
I have ArcSDE 10.0, ArcGIS server 10.2 and ArcGIS Map 10.2 on Windows 2008R server (Say "Server A"). The SQL Server 2008R2 is on a seperate server (Say "Server B").

I created two ArcSDE instances on Server A. One uses SDE and another one uses DBO.

Then I use ArcCatalog 10.2 to create SDE database connections on Server A, which seem fine.

I can create Feature Dataset/FeatureClass and add the features into the FeatureClass with either SDE conneciton. However, when I tried to create ArcSDE RasterDataset, I got the following errors:

Network I/O error
Invalid function arguments
Network I/O error [sde.sde.GDB_Items]
Network I/O error [sde.SDE.Test33]
Operation Failed [sde.SDE.Test33]
No Spatial reference exists
Failed to execute (CreateRasterDataset]

Any ideas?


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2 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
I really don't understand your description of your environment.  What version do
you have installed in which database, as what user?

It's not best practice to name any of the databases "sde", and it's not best practice
to ever load spatial data as user SDE.  And it's also not best practice to use application
servers, much less on a third host (which introduces additional licensing cost).

- V
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MVP Regular Contributor
when I tried to create ArcSDE RasterDataset

Can you please describe how you are attempting to create the raster dataset?  Which tools are you using and which parameters are you specifying?  Please also describe your source data, specifically in terms of file format and projected coordinate system.
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