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Need alternative to ArcMap join for attributes due to bug

06-22-2011 07:57 AM
Frequent Contributor
Due to a bug in the REST API explained in this post, I'm looking for alternatives to a join in my MXD file that will enable me to:
- append columns in an Oracle table/view as attributes to my feature classes
- edit the feature classes using a w/ a Web editing client (a client-side FeatureLayer and a server-side FeatureServer) using a v10 REST API (Flex), i.e. cannot use spatial views

I'm using AGS v10 SP2 and SDE v10 SP2 for Oracle and Oracle 10g on a server that's remote from AGS.

At first I created a synonym to a table in another schema in the same Oracle instance, added the synonym to my ArcMap document, and created a join in my ArcMap document to the synonym. When I did so, if I browsed to the FeatureServer in the REST catalog then I got a 'server 500' error (per this thread). While the FeatureServer threw a 500, the MapServer didn't throw an error but the attributes from the joined synonym didn't show up either. Admittedly I did this in v10 SP1 and haven't re-checked this configuration using v10 SP2.

Then after upgrading to v10 SP2:
- created synonyms in my SDE instance to the tables that I wanted to get attribute info from in the other schema (same Oracle instance)
- created a view (Oracle view, not a spatial view) to the synonym tables in the SDE schema
- added the view to my ArcMap document
- created a join in ArcMap to the view

In ArcMap I can see all columns from the joined view just fine when viewing the attribute table. My REST service no longer throws a server 500 error for the FeatureServer, but neither do I see the columns from my view in either the MapServer or the FeatureServer.

If I'm not mistaken, I can't use spatial views in lieu of my feature classes since you can't edit views. Nor can I use relationship classes as long as the tables I'm joining to are in another schema (since the tables at both ends of the relationship class must be registered in the geodb). Nor can I use on-the-fly relates in ArcMap since the related attributes aren't actually appended to the feature class attribute table (and from reading the rest of the other thread it looks like relates are broken too when making the join).

Any thoughts on how I can get attribute data from other tables into my feature classes while also being able to edit my feature classes using the v10 REST APIs??
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