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multiple profiles (transects) using a DEM

01-16-2014 12:27 PM
New Contributor
The 3D anlayst allows you to do 1 transect and export a elevation profile from a DEM.

Does anyone know about a script that enables to use multiple transects ?

I am trying to obtain several beach profiles using a (1m x 1m) DEM obtained form a LIDAR survey.


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2 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor
Have a look at this tool?
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New Contributor
Thanks for the reply,

From what I read from the help,   the tool creates a table and optional graph denoting the profile of line features over one or more multipatch, raster, TIN, or terrain models. Thus uses multiple rasters with only one profile or transect.

I need the opposite, several transects over one DEM.  plus  I´ve looked for the tool and apparently it is only on arcgis 10.2 and I have
arcgis 10.0

Thanks again.

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