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Mosaic Dataset Workflow

05-26-2010 02:09 AM
Deactivated User
I have just started to use the new Mosaic Dataset in the Pre release version of ArcMap 10 and was wondering what workflows people were using. With everything I have read, I am anticipating the workflow to be as follows.

1. Create Master mosaic Dataset in SDE (this contains all imagery).
2. Recompute footprints, define and build overviews
3. Extract all meta data as attributes in the Footprint file (I am assuming this is an automated approach similar to Image Server 9.3.1).
4. Create themes from the data by using the "Create Referenced Mosaic Dataset" Tool. For example, if I have a Mosaic Dataset called satellite Imagery, I should be able to make sub sets of the data to extract Geoeye, Ikonos etc, to a seperate Mosaic Dataset for further processing.
5. Orthorectify, pan sharpen and colour balance these individual themes of data. For example, I should be able to create 2 sub themes of Geoeye imagery, 1 pan and 1 multispectral. I should then be able to put an ortho function on each, pan sharpen them together to create a new pan sharpened mosaic dataset and then put a colour balancing function on this layer.
6. A user should then be able to query this mosaic dataset by its date field, etc..

Does this sound about right. so far I have been able to load everything into 1 mosaic dataset and then create sub themes from the master mosaic. The problem I am having is there does not seem to be any overviews in the new mosiac dataset and it won't let me redefine them on a referenced mosaic dataset.

If anyone has some step by step instructions for this process, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

Bruce Burwell
GIS Analyst
Saudi Aramco
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