Locator Style for Apt or Units

03-21-2011 11:34 AM
Occasional Contributor
I was wondering if anyone has an ArcGIS 10 locator style file that will geocode house addresses with Apt or Unit #'s.  I have gone through Appendix G of the Customizing Locators document, which is suppose to allow this, but still after customizing my style file as the document instructs I'm not able to geocode Apt or unit #'s.  So I was wondering if anyone has had any success in customizing a style file to allow this and are willing to share.  Thanks.
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48 Replies
Deactivated User

I will throw my version into the ring.  There is another thread on the forums that covers some of this, but in a nutshell the attached style handles addresses with fractional addresses as well as units.  Full disclosure:  I made my best attempt at customizing my own locator style but it ended up having some minor "quirks" that I simply could not resolve.  Brad, from ESRI, made some edits to the style that resolved the quirks--at least in my case.

Tracy is correct that the white paper does not go quite far enough with information about customizing.  And I echo the need for this style to be included in the core product.  I just promoted the idea linked above.

This download link is dead...
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I just noticed your post, so I am attaching the file again.

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Occasional Contributor
Is this for 9.3? The file I found here is not xml.


I just noticed your post, so I am attaching the file again.

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Occasional Contributor
Sorry but this link has the same problem as your older post (#10)... The attachment can't be downloaded.

Whoops! In my haste I grabbed the old style.  Attached should be the latest.  Apologies to all...

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I'm not sure why my attachment is not working correctly.  Post #35 in the link below should be the same file after Brad from ESRI made some tweaks.  There is a lot that the white paper fails to cover...


I "re-zipped" the file and I am attaching it yet again, but I am guessing that it is a problem with the system and not the file specifically.

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Occasional Contributor
That did it. Thanks!


I'm not sure why my attachment is not working correctly.  Post #35 in the link below should be the same file after Brad from ESRI made some tweaks.  There is a lot that the white paper fails to cover...


I "re-zipped" the file and I am attaching it yet again, but I am guessing that it is a problem with the system and not the file specifically.

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Frequent Contributor

I'm not sure what was wrong with the original zip file but I am glad it now works! Let me know how it works (if it works) for you.

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Occasional Contributor
I see many of the same parsing issues with this locator that Roy Jackson describes here: http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/28535-Geocoding-Addresses-with-Apartment-Units?p=208831&viewfull=1#.... For example, "999 Little Knoll Lane" is standardized as HN: "999", SN: "Little", ST: "Knl", UN: "Lane".


...Let me know how it works (if it works) for you.

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Frequent Contributor
This is an old thread but 10.2 does not seem to support any of the locators provided here. Does anyone have a 10.2 version that supports units. How many more years are we going to have to chase these down in forum threads instead of this being a core locator in the product?

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Frequent Contributor

I got really busy with other stuff and failed to respond to your post from June.  I suspect you are getting similar standardization issues as the other style because they are mostly the same style "under the hood".  As I have mentioned in this and/or other similar posts, I simply modified esri's existing style to add fractionals and units (with some additional tweaking by Brad from esri because the white paper doesn't go into enough detail). So the modified style is just taking into account additional fields and retains whatever issues might exist in the original style from which it was based.

I haven't upgraded to 10.2 yet, so I have no idea if I will experience the same issue nor do I have any way to test.  That the 10.1 locators do not work in 10.2 is very unsettling.

If you even remotely agree that these styles belong in the style list by default, please vote for the idea that is linked in response #8.  It is likely the only way esri will listen to our pleas.
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