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Legend Symbols Not Printing

09-05-2013 09:45 AM
Deactivated User
I have a map with a variety of different layers on it and as a result I have 2 or 3 different legends. Everything appears fine on the map and even in the print preview, but for some reason every time i print the map the symbols in my legend do not print. I have tried bringing them to the front, adjusting the resolution of the map before printing, exporting as a bmp, and converting them to graphics, and still every time i print the map i get everything on the map including the labels in my legend but still the symbols in the legend will not print. I have tried everything i know how to do to get them to print but i am out of ideas! Any help?
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4 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
I do not know why the legend symbology would not render, but try exporting the map to a pdf. If that works, it may be an issue with your printer drivers, but at least you could print the pdf.
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Deactivated User
Iv'e tried that to and it doesn't work either.
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Deactivated User
I have the same issue of my symbol not printing within the legend, even after exporting to a pdf, the symbol on my map shows up fine but the symbol in the legend is not printing. Anybody know how to resolve that issue yet?

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Esteemed Contributor
Try making the default size of the printer you are sending the pdf to larger then the largest size pdf you are creating (e.g. if you are creating 11x17 pdfs, then set the default size of the printer to A size which I believe is something like 14x20 (I know it is bigger and that is what matters as this is an issue I resolved with ESRI tech support help)).
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