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Join will not export with features

11-25-2014 07:48 AM
Deactivated User

I have successfully completed an attribute Join. And when I Export (in order to have a new Layer with these joined fields) it does so. However, wen I add this new Feature Class to the map there are NO records, no map.

...What might be causing this behvior?


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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

After the Join did you export your data to a Geographical format? Which one?

Com os nossos melhores cumprimentos,

Rui Santos | Senior Account Manager | Educação, Cultura e Startups
Esri Portugal | Rua das Vigias,2, 1ºA | 1990-506 Lisboa | Portugal
T +351 217 816 640 | M +351 918 126 333 | |

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Occasional Contributor

Can you describe your steps with a little more detail?

Attribute table joins are best viewed as a temporary tool.  A feature lyr is also more or less a temp view of the data in question.

Use the Feature Class to Feature Class tool to create a new feature class with all of the desired fields, then you can manipulate it how you want.

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Deactivated User

Thanks. Well, I tried the Join using ArcToolbox. This approach adds the join permanently to the Input-Target Layer. I thought that might help me avoid having to Export the join as a new Layer. ...But yes, I want the join to be permanent so that I can perform field functions that you cannot when it's only in temporary condition.

Interestingly, this ArcToolbox approach gave me an Error indicating my Join Table did not have an OID Field. I knew that since this was an Excel Table, but didn't think I needed one to do a Join. But anyway, I followed the suggestion of using the Data Management > Copy Rows tool to create an OID for that Table. That worked. Then, I tried the Join (from ArcToolbox) again, and this time it worked -- I have a permanently join Layer!

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MVP Emeritus

Glad you got it to work for you: I think Excel is a great spreadsheet app.  I use it for all my billing and tax records. 

However, if get 'data' sent to me in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, the first thing I do with it is import it as a table to a geodatabase. 

That should just about do it....
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