Perhaps I am missing something or haven't found any documentation stating this is a known issue, but I am testing ArcGIS 10.2 on a VM with Windows 7, and although the prior DB connections and mapped folders were imported over from my 10.1 instance (which is a very nice new feature of the 10.2 install) when I connect to the SDE databases, I cannot view the Version Manager in ArcMap. The SDE DBs are SQL Server '08, and the SDE is version 10.0. Like I said, my apologies if this is a known issue and I just haven't found the report, but here is my official post on the issue.
Has any else ran into issues with connecting and viewing the version manager of previous SDE versions in 10.2? I do not have a 10.1 instance of SDE to test against or I would.
Chris B.