I assume it is quite simple, but I spent two days to search the arcgis.com try to find a way to do it, but I failed. So I post here to see if anyone could help.
I have several world-view-2 images which has high resolution, and a TM image has low resolution. I looks like this after I add them in the Mosaic dataset without create the overview :
We can see the TM image cover the world-view2 image. Of cause, when I zoom to certain scale, the world-view2 image will show.
What I want to do is to bring the world-view2 image above the TM image, ant any scale. So I read the document and find out z-order may accomplish this, so I set the world-view2 images' zorder to -1, and TM image ZOrder to 5, as showing in the flowing image:
Something strange happened, the TM image still covering the worldview2 Image at small extent, but When I zoom to 1:200,000, the worldview2 image displayed,but the TM image is gone. See the flowing picture:
So I kept zoom in to 1:100,000, both images are on the screen again:
For the scale big than 1:100,000, both Images are shown. So I think maybe it is the problem of the Mosaic Method, so I changed the Default Mosaic method from Northwest to ByAttribute, and set the order filed to "ZOrder":
It made no difference.
I kept searching the arcgis.com, and find out that I may need to increase the MaxPS value of the worldview2 image.So I set the MaxPS=[MaxPS]*4, It has an effect, now the worldview2 image can be seen at the scale of 1:800,000, exactly 4 times of 1:200,000;
But the TM image is gone again until I zoom to 1:90,000;
And here is the attribute table after all the value change:
Seems I am close to the answer. The main question left is how to make the TM image and worldview2 image show at all time. Which parameter should I set? Any suggestion are welcome, thank you very much.
Perhaps you'll find some helpful information here.
Everything you ever wanted to know about ordering in mosaic datasets | ArcGIS Blog
Understanding the mosaicking rules for a mosaic dataset—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
I also found that the Cell Size affected the mosaicking rules.