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Interactive Directory Map

06-25-2014 05:09 AM
Deactivated User
Hello I have the following project and I'm figuring out how to best implement it. I would like the project to be as highly automated as possible. The suggestion was made that I make and access table, link it to ArcGIS and then share the directory/map created through sharepoint.

Objective: Put together a list of facilities (company owned, company leased, government leased) on a map.

-Develop a system that can be easily updated by non-GIS users.
-Background data can be stored in an easily updated program (such as Microsoft Access) and dynamically linked to the mapping function.
-Data sets should be accessible to various people in the company (via something like sharepoint). -Mapping function should allow for layers of data
-Data should be protected somehow, and can be updated be only certain personnel even though lots of people will be able to view the map

My main question is the use of access and share point the best way of going about the project?

Also lets say I wanted to link my map to an online database (Oracle based) that's protected by a login screen is there any way to do that?

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2 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Since this is identical to the gis.stackexchange post that was put on hold for
being too broad, I think you're going to need to flesh out your implementation
plan and ask questions about specific aspects of it.  The folks here in the User
Forums want to help, but not to the point of doing days of research for you.

- V
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Deactivated User
Thanks Sol for at least pointing me in the right direction.  Do you have any opionions on using Access (DBMS) for this project/would it allow for updating information on the fly?  Especially if im dealing with a database that has about 1,000 locations and about 10 columns of data for each location?

Thank You,

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