Inspire view service not working when testing capabilities

12-19-2011 04:27 AM
New Contributor
I'm actually trying the Arcgis for Inspire extension, and Geoportal.
I installed Inspire extension on my ArcGis 10 SP3, and create a new Inspire View Service with WMS capabilities. This service seams OK in Arccatalog, but when I test its capabilities as described in the documentation using this URL:


I get the following java/Tomcat error:

Etat HTTP 500 - Error during processing: com.esri.a4i.ifc.soe.api.SOEException: error during processing ags task at server <localhost>. Msg: java.lang.ClassCastException: A COM object reference via iid 9f9650f1-5f49-4041-ba0f-d10baff1d7bc does not support COM interface b139fddb-1e44-386d-b5c2-8cf065f992c7

type Rapport d'�tat

message Error during processing: com.esri.a4i.ifc.soe.api.SOEException: error during processing ags task at server <localhost>. Msg: java.lang.ClassCastException: A COM object reference via iid 9f9650f1-5f49-4041-ba0f-d10baff1d7bc does not support COM interface b139fddb-1e44-386d-b5c2-8cf065f992c7

description Le serveur a rencontr� une erreur interne (Error during processing: com.esri.a4i.ifc.soe.api.SOEException: error during processing ags task at server <localhost>. Msg: java.lang.ClassCastException: A COM object reference via iid 9f9650f1-5f49-4041-ba0f-d10baff1d7bc does not support COM interface b139fddb-1e44-386d-b5c2-8cf065f992c7) qui l'a emp�ch� de satisfaire la requ�te.

Apache Tomcat/6.0.18

Has anyone any idea about the possible origin of this problem?


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1 Reply
New Contributor II
Hi Sam,

Did you ever get to the bottom of this? I am suddenly seeing my log files fill up with these error messages where previously there were none. I'm not aware of any system changes.

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