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I have brought in a shape file into cad and now want convert points into cad blocks

05-23-2016 06:40 AM
Emerging Contributor

My shape file comes int cad as points but I need them to look different then little dots. There must be a way of converting points into cad blocks??

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4 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

Hi Scott,

Is your shapefile consisting of points, lines, or polygons? Which CAD program are you wanting to create "blocks" in? If using AutoCAD, maybe try this link?

How to create Complex linetypes | AutoCAD | Autodesk Knowledge Network

I am not totally sure since I do not use AutoCAD that much.

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for the reply. I have the shapefile imported to cad and now I want to convert the points into cad blocks so they look like a valve and not just a dot……. The shapefile consists of points

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MVP Honored Contributor


So are you using AutoCAD? And are you wanting to change the symbology of the point into a valve-like icon? Does this help?

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Frequent Contributor

Which version of CAD are you using.  You should be able to change the point style.  If not, you can make your own symbol and then create a block with it.

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