have you have ruled out just deleting the circle and recreating it using the correct radius?
You can do this as follows:
Note that this tool does not maintain the original polygons centroid.
It seemed to have worked for Tim Spivey to a degree, perhaps, he can elaborate
I followed domrorke's instructions and it worked most of the time. When it stopped working, I clicked 'Add Vertex' on the 'Edit Vertices' toolbar, hovered the cursor over the edge of the circular feature (not on the one visible vertex), did a left mouse click and was able to drag to resize the circle. An alternative if domrorke's instructions stop working, save your map, close and reopen ArcMap and the instructions should start working again.
I have over 100 circles with different radii but I wanted to make all the circles of the same radii. Do you have any shortcuts to resize them rather than doing them one by one?
One way you can do this is calculate the center of each circle and then buffer them with the desired distance.