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How to Replicated data from development arcsde database to production arcs database

01-15-2014 12:41 AM
Occasional Contributor
Dear All

We are using arcsde oracle 11 g on development server. We have to replicate the data from development to production server after a weak same configuration is installed on the production server like development server (oracle 11 g with arcsde)
which tool can we used for replicate on production server  when  changes occurs in development server.

Best regards
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1 Reply
MVP Alum
Best practice is to use the ArcGIS replication tools as part of the Distributed Geodatabase toolset. RDBMS tools for replication will not always take care of the replication of vital geodatabase elements.

Just be aware that changes to the (geo-)database schema, e.g. adding or deleting certain fields, are not automatically applied to replicas during normal synchronization. You should use the Compare Replica Schema and Import Replica Schema tools for that.
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