SQL> select state_id from sde.versions where name = 'Child_Version' 1864
SQL> select sde_id from sde.state_locks where state_id = '1864' 4371
SQL> select owner from sde.process_information where sde_id = '4371' VECTOR
C:\> sdemon -o kill -t 4371 -i sde:oracle11g
Hi Jake, I have a Python script that for years worked fine in SDE 10.0. It deletes a version owned by SDE if it exists and then re-creates it (it's a child of another user's version). It then posts it to SDE.DEFAULT. Now we are at 10.8.1 for the enterprise GDB (Oracle 19c). The Python script now fails on the delete version step, saying there is a lock by user SDE. How do I get past this? Interestingly, I CAN delete the SDE-owned version from the Administer GDB GUI, but not using ArcPy either in a script or in the Python window in ArcCatalog. I clicked on your link above for the script for reconciling/posting versions but it just goes to https://community.esri.com/. Is the one at https://community.esri.com/t5/python-questions/using-a-python-script-to-reconcile-and-post/td-p/3527... applicable? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.