After creating a shp file with attributes containing Turkish characters like ş,ç,ü.., Upon exporting it as another shp file , shp file having problem on displaying those character, Is there any way in ArcGIS to change encoding option like in QGIS. I can change system encoding from UTF-8 to windows 1254 and I have no problem on displays. But how do I do it in ArcGIS???
HI Naime Celik,
I am having the same issue with Arabic characters .. did you find the solution ?
Unfortunately, I could not find any solution with in arcgis yet
Hi Naime Celik, Neil Ayres,
Update: with ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3 it is works fine and solved the problem of characters like ş,ç,ü..
Hope this help you. Please if you find the Correct Answer mark it with green sign from Action
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I am using 10.2.1 at the moment, as soon as I try to export a shp file with the newer version of the arcgis and test it out, I will indicate your answer as correct . Thanks again
Although I am uncertain about encoding character sets beyond utf8, I am sure you would have more success if you moved away from using shapefiles (a close to 25 year old technology) and migrated your data into geodatabases.
Hi Neil,
I personally prefer using geodatabases, unfortunately, you cannot use them in many proprietary software such as Petrel. So the data is being requested as shp file.
My sympathies. Yes, it is a fact that for many other systems, the shapefile seems to have become the de-facto standard for interoperability.
But there must be other ways of getting stuff into and out out the Schlumberger software.. Have you looked at data interop?
Hi Naime,
Please take a look at the following technical article. I believe this will resolve the issue for you:
21106 - Read and write shapefile and dBASE files encoded in various code pages
I hope this helps!