I am using the RFE data from USGS/FEWS for Kenya. I have downloaded the daily RFE 2.0 files for East Africa (bulk by year) from Products | Early Warning and Environmental Monitoring Program . There are five files: .bil, .blw, .clr, .hdr, and .stx. When I add the data (the .bil file) to ArcMap 10.5, I get the warning: "The following data sources you added are missing spatial reference information. This data can be drawn in ArcMap, but cannot be projected."
So I Define Projection by Copying and Modifying the Albers coordinate system according to the Documentation given on the website::
Origin of latitudes : 1.000000 deg
Central meridian : 20.000000 deg
First std parallel : -19.000000 deg
Second std parallel : 21.000000 deg
Projection = ALBERS Conical Equal-area projection uses the clarke 1866 spheroid
However, still the African rain does not map in the right place.
The rain .bil data is a dot inside Africa in the ESRI world map (CNTRY92 shapefile).
I need to use the data in ArcMap for further analysis.
Any idea what I am doing wrong.
always assess whether a file is in the correct position in an empty data frame. I suspect that your other files might not have a defined coordinate system and might be in decimal degrees.