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How do I create a layer from selected polygons in the attribute table?

08-24-2017 07:20 AM
Deactivated User

Trying to do this in Arc 9.3.1.  Can't work out how to make it visible.

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2 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor

Hi Ben,

Where does the issue occur?

This article should walk you step-by-step through the process:

Creating a New Layer from Selected Features 

And if not, here is a video with the same process (specifically for 9.3.1).

ArcMap - ArcGIS 9.3.1 - Creating Layer From Selected Features - YouTube 

MVP Alum

If you want to create a new feature class of just the selected features in a feature class:

Creating a New Layer from Selected Features 

If you would instead like to create a Selection Layer:

ArcGIS Desktop Help 9.3 - Using selection layers 

Chris Donohue, GISP