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grid or FGDBR�??s format rasters in mosaic dataset

12-06-2012 12:02 AM
New Contributor
How to add grid or FGDBR�??s format rasters to mosaic dataset?
I was trying different options but I am getting always gray image. (ArcGIS 10)
Could anyone give me a hint how to make it?
I need time-enabled rasters. Is there any other way to get it?

Any help is appreciated.
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2 Replies
New Contributor III
Hi Beata,

Are the rasters gray when you zoom in really close?  Rasters typically display as gray when you don't have service overviews built.  Base rasters in a mosaic dataset are only designed to display up to a certain scale.  Beyond that scale these rasters will display as gray.  It is recommended that you build service overviews on your mosaic dataset which will display at higher scales and ultimately improve overall performance. You can build overviews in one of two ways:

1.  Right click on the mosaic dataset in ArcCatalog.  Select 'optimize > build overviews'. 
2.  In ArcToolbox Navigate to  'data management tools > raster > mosaic dataset > build overviews'.

I hope this helps.
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New Contributor
Thank you for suggestions but I was not able to create overviews. I got error 999999.
Unexpectedly I met Mr Pittman and we discussed this issue. He suggested to check the statistics and he was right.

The solution in this case was to recalculate statistics even though they should be calculated, from advanced option, during adding data to mosaic dataset.

It is worth to mention that it must be done from arc toolbox because when I was trying to build statistics in raster properties it looked as created but was not applied.
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