i have done a big deal of work georeferencing some DWG files through control points on aerial photos.
Now i have two folders: one with georeferenced DWG (exported trough the interoperability tool, with some difficulties ...) and another with the original one with WLDs files. The first to be used in AutoCAD, the second in ArcMap.
Now i want to change projection for some of the "projected" DWG (let's say from UTM32 to UTM33, WGS84), and the output would be always a DWG. Is it possible in ArcGIS 9.3.1 ? How ?
I have tried the classic way using the "project" tool, but it seems not apply to DWG.
I do not want to repeat the entire control point operation and then save in a different projection ....
Thanks in advance !
David Remotti