Geodatabase extremely slow

02-24-2014 06:26 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a huge and growing geodatabase (10,000 fields now) and it's connected to a basic entry and search form for my coworkers to enter data with. Both have gotten extremely slow lately and I'm not sure what to do. I've compacted the database and deleted excess data. Right now it takes a good three or four minutes to simply OPEN. Submitting information also takes a very long time. Any ideas as to how to make it faster??

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10 Replies
MVP Alum

I meant records. Sorry.

Digitizing every job a surveying company has done for the last two decades. You have no idea how much data goes into that.

Tracy, 10.000 (10k) records is nothing, this should be blazing fast in ArcGIS, and certainly not take minutes to open. There are spatial databases far larger than that around.

I do see a potential issue with the way the data is digitized. Are you using some sort of "stream-digitizing" mode, automatically generating points along lines on scanned maps? This can lead to vast amounts of vertices, which could explain bad performance. You may need to weed out excess vertices using generalization, for example using the Simplify Line tool. For more options, see the An overview of the Generalization toolset Help page.

I do appreciate the amount of work you are facing. I was involved in a major project here in the Netherlands regarding large scale (1:1000) photogrammetrically and survey derived datasets of the entire highway system of the Netherlands, with over 300+ object types recognized. The amount of data at these detailed large scales can be staggering...
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