We are using FEMA 2007 BFE Data. I'm a student getting my GIS certificate interning with a county Office of Emergency Management in SW Colorado. The office is interested in this information in order to be prepared for a flood event similar to what struck Boulder, CO last September. The data I described is the only data I have been provided so I am not familiar with S_XS lines (are these the BFE lines before being rasterized? They are 1 ft. incremental cross section surveys that have length equal to the width of the floodway). I searched ArcGIS tools, did a google search, an ArcGIS help search, and did not return anything useful so I am assuming this is georeferenced surveying data. I will find out if this information is available to me. Also, unfortunately I am not familiar with Non-regulatory products (again, my searches for information were inconclusive). Since the BFEs are only 1 ft. in elevation apart and follow the floodway, it should be easy to estimate the elevations of the cells in between the BFEs (or so I thought). Once the rasters are in order, we will use the Multi Values to Points tool to associate the addresses in the floodway with the ground elevation of that point and the BFE elevation of that point. Then add a new field in the attribute table being the difference between the ground elevation and the BFE. The address points will be symbolized by this difference field, the addresses with the lower differences being in the most danger if we experience a flood event. This data can then be shared on ArcGIS online and other mediums so that it is available to emergency responders and they have a solid idea of where people may be at risk.
Thanks for the response,
- JB